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Govt Jobs :
Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 – Apply Offline For Latest 95 Postal Assistant, Postman and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Group ‘C’ Vacancies
Through this latest Kerala Postal Circle recruitment, Offline Applications are invited from eligible and desirous candidates for fill up 95 vacancies for the posts of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant, Postman/Mail Guard and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Group ‘C’. Aspirants who are serious about their career and if you want to make a career in Kerala Postal Circle can apply directly from the link provided below. The applicants are advised to apply well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates.
Kerala Postal Circle Latest Job Notification Details
All the candidates who are looking for Central Govt job and meet the eligibility criteria can apply for the post by filling the Offline application on the main website for Latest recruitment of Kerala Postal Circle. After reading all the information like age limit, selection process, educational qualification, salary offered etc. Candidates are advised to visit the Kerala Postal Circle official website as well as bookmark this web page as we provide you with all the information in this article.
Primary Details
Organization Name- Kerala Postal Circle
Job Type- Central Govt
Recruitment Type- Sport Quota
Advt No- No. Rectt/31-4/2020
Post Name - Added Below
Total Vacancy- 95
Job Location- All Over Kerala
Salary- Rs.18,000 – 81,100
Apply Mode- Offline
Application Start- 26th October 2021
Last date for submission of the application- 3rd December 2021
Official website-
Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 Latest Vacancy Details
Kerala Postal Circle has released the following vacancy details with their recent recruitment notification 2020. They invite 95 Candidates to fill their vacancies. Candidates can check their job vacancy details below.
Postal Assistant-16
Sorting Assistant- 13
Postman- 28
Mail Guard- 01
Multi-Tasking Staff- 37
Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 Salary Details
🔺Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant- Rs 25,500/- to Rs.81,100/- in level 4 as per pay matrix specified in Part A of schedule of Central Civil Service(Revised pay) Rules 2016 plus admissible allowances. [Rs 5200-20200(Pay band-I) + Grade pay of Rs 2400/- plus admissible allowances as per pre-revised scale]
🔺Postman/Mail Guard- Rs 21,700/- to Rs.69,100/- in level 3 as per Pay matrix specified in Part A of schedule of Central Civil Service(Revised pay) Rules 2016 plus admissible allowances. [Rs 5200-20200(Pay band-I) + Grade pay of Rs 2000/- plus admissible allowances as per pre-revised scale]
🔺Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)- Rs 18,000/- to Rs.56,900/- in level 1 as per Pay matrix specified in Part A of schedule of Central Civil Service( Revised pay) Rules 2016 plus admissible allowances. [Rs 5200-20200(Pay band-I) + Grade pay of Rs 1800/- plus admissible allowances as per pre-revised scale)]
Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 Age Limit Details
To apply for the Kerala Postal Circle Latest jobs, the candidates who are interested in filling up forms must be required to attain the following age limit. The notified aged candidates only can able to apply for the job vacancy. The Reserved category candidates from SC, ST, PWD, Women and all others will get the upper age limit relaxation as per government norms. Check official Notification by the help of below mentioned direct Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 notification link. Check the age limit details below.
🔺Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant- Between 18-27 years (Relaxable by 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST) Up to 40 years for Government Servant as per extant instructions of Govt of India
🔺Postman/Mail Guard- Between 18-27 years (Relaxable by 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST) Up to 40 years for Government Servant as per extant instructions of Govt of India
🔺Multi Tasking Staff- Between 18-25 years (Relaxable by 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST) Up to 35 years for Government Servant as per extant instructions of Govt of India.
Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 Educational Qualification Details
Candidates who are going to fill the Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 application form requested to check their education qualification required for various Kerala Postal Circle opportunities. Aspirants are requested to go through the latest Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021 entirely, Before applying for the vacancies aspirants should ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria, only those applicants should apply who are eligible otherwise their application will be rejected. You can check Kerala Postal Circle job Qualification details below.
🔺Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant- The candidates having passed minimum either 12th standard or equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university and candidates will be required to furnish at least 60 days duration basic computer training certificate from a recognized computer training institute before issuance of appointment letter.
🔺Postman/Mail Guard- Candidates shall passed the Minimum 12th standard pass from a recognized board with Knowledge of local language i.e Malayalam. The candidate should have studied local language i.e Malayalam at least up to 10th Standard.
🔺Multi-Tasking Staff- Minimum 10th standard pass from a recognized board with Knowledge of local language i.e Malayalam. The candidate should have studied local language i.e Malayalam at least up to 10th Standard.
How To Apply For Latest Kerala Post Office Recruitment 2021?
Applications to be super scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF à IN KERALA CIRCLE UNDER SPORTS QUOTA” and to be sent through Registered/ Speed post to: The Assistant Director (Recruitment), Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 033.
Step by step
🔸Go to the official Kerala Postal Circle website
Search for the Career/ Advertisement menu
🔸Search for the MTS, Postman, Sorting Assistant, Mail Guard, Postal Assistant Job Notification and click on it
🔸Download and View the Kerala Postal Circle Multi-Tasking Staff job notification
🔸Verify your eligibility and go further
🔸Fill all the details correctly and attach the necessary documents
🔸Self attest all the documents
🔸Pay the application fees if applicable
🔸Take a photocopy of your application
🔸Send the application form to the notified address before 03/12/2021
Official Notification- Click Here
Apply Now- Click Here
Official Website- Click Here
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