Gulf Jobs :
Vibe Cafe Abu Dhabi Latest Jobs 2022
Note: we are (jobs) not recruiters, instead we just sharing available jobs in worldwide, once you click on the Apply / job title, will direct you to the career page of concerned job provider, so publickannada is not directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment.
Job details
- Company Name- Vibe Cafe Dubai
- Nationality- Selective
- Qualification-Based on Post
- Gender- Male/Female
- Benefits- Attractive Benefits
- Salary- Discuss in the Interview
- Age Limit- Below 36
- Job Location- Dubai
- Interview - Not Updated
- Recruitment by- Direct by Company
Vacancies will be published in a specific format.
- With pleasing personality
- With a diploma/certificate in the same field
- Should have 2-3 years experience in the same position in UAE
- Should be willing to relocate to Abu Dhabi
You can apply through the 'Apply Now' button or send CV to the given mail. The link over the job listing can also be used to apply directly.
As it is an international hiring, only eligible CVs may get replied.
Share this vacancy with your friends and other relatives, and visit again to get such vacancies at first
We will always update 100% real jobs, any way you have to beware, and I think you guys know about the current world and situations, we wish you to have good luck.J 0